Release from Self-condemnation

Devotions for those who are weary of feeling not good enough, regardless of the source of those feelings.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Love as You've Been Loved

Acceptance that everyone is a mess,

 that all have sinned and fallen short, 

eliminates the idea that with someone else 

we could be a better person, 

or that a different person would be better suited to us. 

When our loved ones sin against us 

they need our prayers, 

not our rejection.

Christ's way is to stand firm in love 

even when we hurt Him, 

and because the Holy Son of God has remained steadfast for us, 

we can participate in His faithfulness 

and stay fully present in the lives of those 

He gives us to love. 


Therefore, accept each other just as Christ has accepted you so that God will be given glory.
Romans 15:7 NLT

--from day 42

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