Release from Self-condemnation

Devotions for those who are weary of feeling not good enough, regardless of the source of those feelings.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Initiative Versus Submission

The following quotes from Day 33 have to do with the difference between initiative and submission.

When we take matters into our own hands, we may form a plan to count calories and exercise.  When we submit to the Lord He may ask us to count calories and exercise. The outward behaviors may look the same, but the Lord looks at our hearts.  Is the primary desire of our hearts to obey the Lord or is it to get our acts together so we can look and feel better?   It is the difference between following our own initiatives versus submission to the Lord, who may tell us to wait and rest when we would rather go and do. He may also ask us to go and do when we just don't feel like it!

In our relationship with our Heavenly Father we are to be obedient children.  We don't have to make our own way, we only have to follow Him.
Our new song includes freedom from fear, and this freedom constitutes a large measure of our joy in Christ.  
The idea that we are in charge of our own destiny never has a firmer grip than when we have separated ourselves from God by going our own way. 
When we disobey, we forget God is sovereign even over our disobedience, and that He does not treat us as our sins deserve.  
...self-condemnation can mimic the conviction of the Holy Spirit. is ever a temptation to create an action plan for our own deliverance. If we are able to trust in God’s sovereign power to deliver, in His perfect timing He will shoot us straight along the path of His will into the peace and blessing of the new song He has written just for us.  

 “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
 “therefore I will hope in him.” 
Lamentations 3:22-23 

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