Release from Self-condemnation

Devotions for those who are weary of feeling not good enough, regardless of the source of those feelings.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

From Inadequacy to Humility

We don’t have to be sin-free to come to God; 

we only have to be cleansed of sin.

It is the humility of having been delivered 

with no contributing power of our own 

that cleanses us of the inadequacy 

of repeated failures. 

Inadequacy focuses on self, 

but humility focuses on the Lord who has saved us.

We enter into forgiveness through the gate of His love. 

Because of this love that accepted us 

even when we were ugly with sin, 

we are released from the terrible and frustrating need 

to demand “rightness” from others.  

We are free to love them even if they are not right.

The Creator of the universe holds us each in special regard.

His favor satisfies the deepest needs of our hearts for love and approval. 


Pray: Lord, help me participate in Your grace as I learn to constantly bring my mistakes, failures, and sins to You for cleansing and forgiveness. In this way let the crushing sense of my own inadequacy be transformed into the blessed humility of having been rescued by Jesus Christ, my Savior. Father, prevent me from demanding that others are right toward me before I will accept and love them. Open my eyes to the ways I am precious in Your sight, and out of my confidence in how much You love me, help me to love others with Your love. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen. 


We love because He first loved us. 
1 John 4:19

--from day 53

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